Camp Signals/Recruiting Officer
Jason A. Fite
Purpose of the Camp Signals Officer
The purpose of the Signals Officer is to serve as the senior advisor on electronic communication technology and manage the assigned resources in such a manner as to reflect positively on the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
The activities of the Camp Signals Officer should include:
(a) Providing the Commander and the Camp Council with advice and assistance relative to matters involving communication and technology.
(b) Supervise or serve as the Camp Webmaster if the Camp has an Internet home-page or Web site.
(c) Be familiar with and comply with the National Communication Technology policy.
Purpose of the Camp Recruiting Officer
The purpose of the Recruiting Officer is to provide a single point of contact for potential applicants to obtain information, forms, and assistance as well as to serve as a staff officer, reporting to the Junior Vice Commander, who will maintain membership recruiting and retention statistics.
The activities of the Camp Recruiting Officer should include:
(a) Providing the Commander and the Camp Council with advice and assistance on matters involving membership recruiting and retention.
(b) Establishing recruiting booths at appropriate events and observances.
(c) Making necessary brochures, forms, and information available to potential applicants.
(d) Interviewing former members to ascertain real or imagined retention problems.
(e) Maintain contact with the Recruiting Officer at the higher levels of the organization
(f) Establish and maintain an e-mail address for the Camp.