James D. Brady Camp Established 2003
Camp History 2003 - 2022
The year 2020
All Camp events were canceled after January 2020 due to the global COVID 19 pandemic.
Mariners Museum Tour
25 January 2020

Brother Tom Grund conducted a brief tour of the Mariners Museum on January 25th.
Brady Camp Annual Meeting
16 November 2019

Tour of St. Peter's Parish Church
21 September 2019

Eagle Scout Award
15 August 2019

Chase Bennett and Brady Camp Brother I. C. Smith

Chase Bennett (second from right) receiving his Eagle Scout badge underwater. His younger brother (and future Eagle Scout) Griffin Bennett, who gave him his badge, is third from the right. Their father, Jonathan Bennett, who too, is an Eagle Scout, is holding the flag.
Memorial Day 2019 at Cold Harbor National Cemetery
The Col. James D. Brady Camp #63 welcomed 35 visitors to Cold Harbor National Cemetery on May 27, 2019 to honor our fallen Union heroes of the Civil War. A special thank you to Brother Eric Kirk for some excellent picture taking throughout the ceremony.
Petersburg Battlefield Tours
May 11, 2019

Brady Camp brother Doug Blake led fellow camp members and their families on a tour of Reams Station and Globe Tavern battlefields. These battles were part of the Union siege of Petersburg, Virginia which began in 1864.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Medal Presentations
May - June 2019

2019 was another exceptional year with respect to JROTC awards, with the camp making 16 presentations in all. Numerous brothers graciously lent their time to bestow our SUVCW award on deserving high school cadets. The following are those who eagerly volunteered, as well as the schools they helped to support:
Tim Ahlgrim: B. T. Washington HS, Granby HS, Maury HS, Lake
Taylor HS, and Norview HS Navy JROTC (Norfolk), Churchland HS Marine JROTC (Portsmouth), I. C. Norcom HS Navy JROTC (Portsmouth)
Kenny Bage: Hopewell HS Army JROTC (Hopewell)
Albert Burckard: Smithfield HS Army JROTC, (Smithfield)
Bill Butler: Menchville HS Air Force JROTC (Newport News) and Hampton HS Air Force JROTC, (Hampton)
Steve Von Hitritz: King & Queen Central HS Army JROTC (King & Queen Court House)
Jason Fite: Landstown HS Navy JROTC (Virginia Beach), Salem HS Navy JROTC (Virginia Beach), Oscar Smith HS Air Force JROTC (Chesapeake)
Eric Kirk: Woodrow Wilson HS Army JROTC (Portsmouth)
Williamsburg Battlefield Association Park Day
April 6, 2019

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (right) and Sons of the Confederacy (left) at the 2019 Williamsburg Battlefield Association's Annual Park Day. Approximately 30 volunteers showed up to help clean-up this historic battlefield.
Hollywood Cemetery & Belle Isle Tour
March 30, 2019

The group then transited to the American Civil War Museum at Historic Tredegar in order to walk to Belle Isle. This location was the site of a Prisoner of War (POW) camp during the Civil War. Approximately 1,000 Federal troops perished at the site to include two of Brady Camp brother Jason Fite's 3rd great-granduncles. The Col. James D. Brady and Irish Brigade Camps placed a plaque at the site a few years ago to honor our fallen heroes.
Annual Camp Meeting & Elections
November 17, 2018
The Camp held its annual meeting on Saturday, November 17th at the Freemason Abbey Restaurant in Norfolk. The gathering was very well attended with 14 camp brothers present. Officers of the camp were elected for the next year, as listed below. The camp also formally approved a donation to the Wreaths-Across-America commemoration at the Richmond National Cemetery in December 2018 and voted to raise dues as described below. Following the formal business session, Ms. JoAnn Meaker gave an outstanding presentation on her efforts at capturing and sharing the stories of Union soldiers buried in the Richmond National Cemetery. The final segment of the day's event was a very informative tour of historic Fort Norfolk led by Norfolk Historical Society volunteer John Lindberg.
Brady Camp Business Meeting
September 8, 2018
James River Battlefields Tour
June 30, 2018
Brother Doug Blake led a battlefield tour of Point of Rocks and Bermuda Hundred and hosted a fellowship luncheon.
Memorial Day at Cold Harbor National Cemetery
May 28, 2018

The camp conducted its annual Memorial Day observance at the Cold Harbor National Cemetery near Mechanicsville, Virginia. The event started at 11am and was attended by a total of 25 brothers, reenactors and guests. Camp Commander Butler officiated and was assisted by Brothers Ahlgrim and Mosier. Following a rededication of the Union monuments at the cemetery, Brother Don Wells commanded an honor guard consisting of reenactors of the 64th New York Volunteer Infantry to render a volley salute. The ceremony concluded with a bugle rendition of Taps. After the official proceedings, the attendees decorated the graves with flowers donated by Sun Trust Bank of Richmond. Overall, the event went very well and was another memorable gathering for the camp and guests.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Medal Presentations
April - May 2018
2018 was an exceptional year with respect to ROTC awards, with the camp making 11 presentations in all. Numerous brothers graciously lent their time to bestow our SUVCW award on deserving high school cadets. The following are those who eagerly volunteered, as well as the schools they helped to support:
Tim Ahlgrim: B. T. Washington HS, Granby HS, Maury HS, Lake Taylor HS, and Norview HS Navy JROTC (Norfolk)
Doug Blake: Hopewell HS Army JROTC, (Hopewell)
Albert Burckard: Smithfield HS Army JROTC, (Smithfield)
Bill Butler: Menchville HS, (Newport News) and Hampton HS Air Force JROTC, (Hampton)
Lou Mosier: Nansemond River HS Air Force JROTC, (Suffolk)
Steve Von Hitritz: Deep Run HS Air Force JROTC, (Glen Allen)
Annual Business Meeting & Officer Elections
January 27, 2018
Memorial Day at Cold Harbor National Cemetery
May 29, 2017

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Medal Presentations
May 2017
At an Air Force Junior ROTC awards banquet on May 12th, Camp Patriotic Instructor William Butler presented an SUVCW medal to Cadet Yoon-Ah Cho of Menchville High School in Newport News, Virginia. Later on May 18th, Brother Butler presented a medal to Cadet Antonio Johnson during a ceremony at Hampton High School. The camp also sent an award to Cadet Joshua Thompson of Nansemond High School.
Fort Alexander Hays Work Project
November 12, 2016

Cancellation of Annual Memorial Day Observance
May 30, 2016
The camp had planned to conduct its annual Memorial Day observance at the Cold Harbor National Cemetery near Mechanicsville, Virginia. Unfortunately the event was canceled because of severe weather, and camp brothers were encouraged to observe the day at local cemeteries.
Battle of Williamsburg Tour
May 7, 2016
For its monthly meeting, the camp toured notable sites of the 1862 Battle of Williamsburg. This tour was led and conducted by Brother Tom Grund.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Medal Presentations
May 2016
At an Air Force Junior ROTC awards banquet on May 6th, Camp Patriotic Instructor William Butler presented a SUVCW medal to a Cadet of Menchville High School in Newport News, Virginia. The camp also sent an award to Cadet Robert Gardner of Nansemond High School.
Petersburg Tour & Camp Honors Namesake
March 2016

After a tour of the eastern front of the Petersburg line, the Brady Camp paid their respects at the grave of Colonel Brady, our camp namesake, located in Saint Joseph's Cemetery.
Annual Business Meeting & Officer Elections
January 16, 2016
The camp held its annual business meeting at Kelly's Tavern near the Great Bridge section of Chesapeake, Virginia. After the meeting, Camp Commander Mosier presented information on the Union Army's activities in Great Bridge, and then led a tour for interested brothers of the Battle of Great Bridge (a small but strategically significant Revolutionary War battle which occurred adjacent to the camp's meeting location).
Camp Tours & Meetings
June through October 2015
The Brady Camp conducted a business meeting in June at the MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk. Upon completion of official business (which included the installation of several new Brothers), Chris Kolakowski, Director of the MacArthur Memorial and Civil War author, spoke to the Brady Brothers on the Stones River Campaign and its importance to the Union war effort. After his talk, Mr. Kolakowski gave the Camp a special viewing of Civil War artifacts from Gen. Douglas MacArthur's father, Col. Arthur MacArthur, 24th Wisconsin Infantry. The "Boy Colonel" was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at Missionary Ridge. In July, Brothers of the Brady Camp met at Pamplin Historic Park to tour the National Museum of the Civil War Soldier, visit the Field Fortifications exhibit, and walk the Breakthrough Trail. For its October meeting, the camp toured Lee Hall Mansion in Newport News, which was the only large antebellum plantation house remaining on the lower Virginia Peninsula.
Memorial Day at Hampton National Cemetery
May 30, 2015
Sailor's Creek Commemoration
April 4, 2015
The Brady Camp took part in a Civil War Sesquicentennial memorial service at Sailor's Creek Battlefield State Park, organized by the Park Director, Mr. Chris Calkins (former NPS historian and noted Civil War author). The event included presentations on the leaders of the Union and Confederate forces who faced each other at the 1865 Battle of Sailor's Creek and a wreath presentation at the battlefield monument. After a speech by the Brady Camp Commander, who highlighted the contributions of our namesake unit (the 63rd NY Infantry, part of the famed "Irish Brigade") to this overwhelming Union victory, the Camp presented a beautiful wreath in honor of all Union Soldiers who gave their lives upon the battlefield, including 3 men of the 63rd New York. Following the ceremony, the Brothers listened to a concert of Civil War-related music and took a guided tour of the Sailor's Creek battlefield.
Naval Museum Tour
February 28, 2015
The camp toured the Hampton Roads Naval Museum. About half a dozen camp members were led through the Civil War section of the museum by a very knowledgeable docent, who shared some interesting stories about the events and pointed out some fascinating artifacts on display. The group then had more time to revisit some of the Civil War displays and see the rest of the exhibits on later eras.
Col. James D. Brady Camp #63 Established
December 22, 2003